by bluedevil2002KnightQuest: The Reading List!
A decade ago, DC followed up their killing of Superman with the destruction of their second biggest icon. Batman's back was broken, and Bruce Wayne was replaced by Jean Paul Valley, a.k.a. Azrael.
After the 19-part Knightfall saga (which included a 3-issue Shadow of the Bat tie-in), DC surprised readers by beginning a new crossover: Knightquest.
Knightquest was broken into two stories - The Search and The Crusade. However, Knightquest was not a linear crossover. Instead, in was just a theme for the next nine months worth of Batman comics. Plus, in their infinite wisdom, DC has decided to not publish a trade paperback, further confusing fans who think that Knightsend is the third volume of Knightfall. Because of that, the series has been very confusing to put in order to some people. Even I was having some problems. However, I am at the point where I am only missing a few issues. Mostly one issue each of certain series, but I still know where it goes.
In this list, I will combine The Search and The Crusade. So you know, The Search took place in:
-Justice League Task Force #5-6
-Batman: Shadow of the Bat #21-23
-Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #59-61
Other books were labeled as The Search, but were really The Crusade. Editors screw up sometimes. I have also included some books that were not labeled as part of Knightquest. Those will be marked with an asterisk (*). Batman: Turning Points #4 was published in November 2000. Robin #7 was labeled as the conclusion of The Search and The Crusade. Some arcs could be interchangable in order. If two arcs could have taken place in any order, I put the one with the eariler cover date first.
-Justice League Task Force #5-6 (some say this can run concurrent with Detective #667-669. I believe it happens first, and even begins before the end of Batman #500.)
-Batman: Turning Points #4* (has to take place as close to the beginning of Knightquest as possible)
-Detective Comics #667-668 (continued into Robin #1)
-Robin #1-2*
-Detective Comics #669 (concluding the arc started in the previous 2 issues)
-Batman: Shadow of the Bat #19-20
-Batman #501-502
-Batman: Shadow of the Bat #21-23
-Detective Comics #670
-Catwoman #6 (beginning a four part crossover with Batman)
-Batman #503-504
-Catwoman #7 (concluding a four part crossover with Batman)
-Batman: Shadow of the Bat #24
-Detective Comics #671-673
-Batman #505
-Batman: Shadow of the Bat #25
-Batman #506-507
-Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #59-61
-Batman: Shadow of the Bat #26-27
-Detective Comics #674
-Batman #508
-Batman: Shadow of the Bat #28
-Detective Comics #675
-Robin #7
And for those of you who need to know the order of Knightfall, here it is:
Prelude - Batman: Vengeance of Bane
Prologue - Batman #491
1 - Batman #492
2 - Detective Comics #659
3 - Batman #493
4 - Detective Comics #660
5 - Batman #494
6 - Detective Comics #661
7 - Batman #495
8 - Detective Comics #662
9 - Batman #496
10 - Detective Comics #663
11 - Batman #497
12 - Detective Comics #664
13 - Showcase '93 #7
14 - Showcase '93 #8
15 - Batman #498
God of Fear 1 - Batman: Shadow of the Bat #16
God of Fear 2 - Batman: Shadow of the Bat #17
God of Fear 3 - Batman: Shadow of the Bat #18
16 - Detective Comics #665
17 - Batman #499
18 - Detective Comics #666
19 - Batman #500
Might as well finish up and give the full list of Knightsend:
1 - Batman #509
2 - Batman: Shadow of the Bat #29
3 - Detective Comics #676
4 - Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #62
5 - Robin #8
6 - Catwoman #12
7 - Batman #510
8 - Batman: Shadow of the Bat #30
9 - Detective Comics #677
10 - Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #63
Aftermath - Robin #9
Don't like my list? Contact me via the message board, and I'll argue why I think I'm right.
Until next time . . .