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Author | Topic: Batman Chat with Ed Brubaker and Scott McDaniel - 9/2/2000! |
Pennyworth Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:05 PM
Ed, I know she was recntly used in Catwoman, but are there any plans to use Harley Quinn in any upcoming Bat Books. Also you probably can't say, but is there any thing you can tell us about any Batman movies in the works. Thanks alot |
LLance43 Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:05 PM
The Jeremy Samuels character was well done...and believable! I could believe this character had a past with Bruce Wayne (and Batman) and we, the readers, had not heard of him before now. Too often, a character is newly introduced but the writer portrays the character as a mainstay of the series! I sincerely hope Jeremy survives (though it appears not to be) and becomes an intergal part of both aspects of Bruce's life! A little humanizing with a regular "joe" may be beneficial to Bruce's outlook on life. Either way, I would love to see more characters who have been a part of Bruce's life take center stage. Would this be along your line of thinking also? Do feel free to come up with inventive villains as the one depicted at the end of this tale. Batman is always in need of "good" villains! I take it this bad guy studys his opponents, but does not have a photographic mimic ability to exactly copy the hero's fighting style? Instead, he will come up with proper defenses when he actually goes one on one with the Batman? ------------------ |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:14 PM
How much input do you give to Scott in your stories? The man is fantasticly talented and I have no doubt that he could pull off art direction on his own with no problem. However, I know there are some writers who give very detailed descriptions of what they want. Where do you fall? I'm not a nazi about it, and I've learned what Scott is great at, and have found that he can force himself to be great at the things he isn't naturally inclined to do. Often I leave fight correography completely up to him, just telling him the end result I need. But, sometimes I'll describe exactly what I want, and he'll do it just like I say to. He's the most professional artist I've ever worked with. By the by, is Scott going to be stoppig by today, do you know? I'm not sure. He said he'd try. 1) Who would you like to see write a Batman story? I'd love it if Frank Miller did a sequel to Dark Knight returns... Oh, wait. Hard to say. I just want to do more myself. It'd be cool if James Ellroy or Elomre Leonard wrote him, I guess. Or Lawrence Block. But then, what would you need me for? 2) You, Greg Rucka, and Brian Azzarello all created some great crime/noir-type stories about the same time last year, and now you all seem to gaining a following while racking up quite a few titles. Why do you think you all's type of writings are clicking with the fans, and why now? I think we (hopefully) bring a fresh, slightly more realistic vision to our work, all of us, and without just trying to be a rehash of the dark period of heroes after Year One and Watchmen. I don't know that fans are catching on yet, but editors and critics seem to be trying to get them to. 3)Favorite comics of all-time? Best issue you've ever written? Either Detour #1 (from Alternative Press, which I also drew) or Deadenders #8. Possibly Turning Points #3, as well. Favorite noir movies? Too many to list. I'll go with Double Indemnity, but I'm also partial
to Murder My Sweet, which my uncle wrote the screenplay for. |
DeForgeo Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:17 PM
I know I'm a bit late, but I'd like a few questions answered. 1) How much say does an artist (i.e. Scott) have in how the story goes? And how much contact do you have with Scott, when discussing the story and stuff? 2) What do you like most about the Batman character? 3) How do you feel about the rumours about the new Batman movie(s)? (Batman Beyond, Batman: Year One, etc.) 4) What are your influences? 5) Lastly (for now), do you have any "dream projects"? Stuff you'd love to work on, and the creators you'd like to work with? |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:21 PM
>>any plans to use Harley Quinn in any upcoming Bat Books.<< Not by me. I don't know about anyone else. Personally, I don't know a lot about the character, other than her appearances in the show. >>Also you probably can't say, but is there any thing you can tell us about any Batman movies in the works.<< The only one I know of is the Batman Beyond movie that Paul Dini and Boaz Yakin are doing. Yakin is a great director, so I have high hopes, especially with a script co-written by Dini. >>I sincerely hope Jeremy survives (though it appears not to be)<< Yeah, he died on page one. >>Either way, I would love to see more characters who have been a part of Bruce's life take center stage. Would this be along your line of thinking also?<< Yes sir. We have some possible future plans that involve this kind of thing more. >>I take it this bad guy studys his opponents, but does not have a photographic mimic ability to exactly copy the hero's fighting style? Instead, he will come up with proper defenses when he actually goes one on one with the Batman? << It's left vague for now, but when he returns, it'll be explained. He makes a lot fo sense, and is a pretty interesting character, once you find out what he actually is. He has a greater purpose than just super-villian.
ScottAMcD (Scott McDaniel) Member/Batman penciller |
posted September 02, 2000 04:26 PM
Response to RPI:
quote: I'm here! I'm here! Thanks for the kind words regarding my story ability. I approach comics from the "old school," where story is first. I do look for opportunities to "show off" as Ed puts it, but I try not to sacrifice the story for it! Most Bat stories are written as full script, meaning the writer is very specific with the plot action and dialog. Within that framework, the writer can choose to give more directorial descriptions (like, close upshot on Batman as he surveys the scene from above), or the writer can choose to simply describe the action in a general sense (like, Batman surveys the scene). The former is more restrictive, the latter is more accomodating (because I may see the scene in my mind's eye as a downshot 3/4 behind Batman). I don't mind which mode we work in, as long as the story is served. Scott McDaniel |
Tallant1 New Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:27 PM
Yo Whats up Ed? I know whats happening in January, but I wont say (heard it at San Diego. Loved your Scene of the Crime stuff as I was interested to see that it took place in San Francisco (where I live). Have you lived there before? You seemed to put down a lot of the local sights pretty well in the series. Anyways, I just had a few questions regarding Batman 1.) How did you get offered the job? 2.) Any love interests for Bruce Wayne coming up? 3.) What did you think of the Batman movies? (be honest if you can) 4.) Will you be playing up on any old arcs? Jason Todd death etc, Knightfall. Anyways, Thanks for your time and I look forward to your run on the
book |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:28 PM
) How much say does an artist (i.e. Scott) have in how the story goes? And how much contact do you have with Scott, when discussing the story and stuff? None when discussing what I plan to write, but a lot when he's breaking down the story and drawing it. I prefer to know what Scott likes, and then try to please myself and him, but the story is first in line, and both Scott and I will sacrifice out personal favorites to make a good story. 2) What do you like most about the Batman character? His tragedy. And the fact that he can never be satisfied. His humanity. 3) How do you feel about the rumours about the new Batman movie(s)? (Batman Beyond, Batman: Year One, etc.) I don't care one bit. I'd like them to be good, of course. Because I'll probably see them, but they don't affect me. 4) What are your influences? Mostly books (Ross Macdonald, Lawrence Block, Paul Auster, Kafka), some films. Some alternative comics. Real life. I just enjoy telling stories. 5) Lastly (for now), do you have any "dream projects"? Stuff you'd love to work on, and the creators you'd like to work with? A lot of them, but I'm doing most of them now. My new dream is of a day
with more hours to write in it. Oh, and a million dollars. One of my dream
projects came about by accident almost, but I'm currently at work on a
secret project with Darwyn Cooke (of Batman Ego). |
LLance43 Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:28 PM
Last question from me! Convince me to try this "Deadenders" everybody keeps talking about! I like to hear you talk it up! Thanks for this little chance to chat with you, Ed! ------------------ |
rpi Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:33 PM
Are you ever going to do anything with Shondra Kinsolving? So far she has seemed like the most blatant type of plot device. Bruce wanted to marry the woman, but all she was used for was to heal him and then she was completely ignored. Granted, I think part of his marrying idea was due to the fact that he has a rather childish outlook on relationsips. However, it is just annoying that she was so completely dropped. |
bluedevil2002 Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:34 PM
Kinda slow in here. Anyway, Ed, I haven't gotten Batman #582 yet, but will next time I go to the comic shop. Sadly, I'm forced to cut back on my comics, but the three I will be getting (other than the two that come in the mailbox) will be Batman, Detective, and Daredevil (whenever it comes out). Of course, I really want to get Turning Points, and already know where it will be going. And, on the list of Must-get-after-Christmas-because-I-have-a-lot-of-money TPB list, Deadenders and a bunch of classic Batman stuff is at the top. I really don't have any questions right now, but when I have some I'll either put them in the Dear Ed thread, or the next CHAT. BTW, I've started a Batman Review website, and JYD and a couple of other posters have put their reviews of Batman comics up. If you and Scott are interested. The link is in my sig, but if it doesn't work, the address is: http://chipcentral.tripod.com/nml/reviews/index.html ------------------ Guns for Monkeys!!!!! |
Trickster Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:37 PM
4) Peter Gross wrote in BoM #73 that editors with red pencils occupy the outer circle of Hell. Fair assessment? ![]() 5) Should Batman be an urban legend or should his appearances in JLA etc. cause him not to be an urban legend? 6) Role of humor in Batman? 7) Underwear outside the tights or not outside the tights? ------------------ |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:38 PM
All right Scott! He made it! >>Have you lived there(SF) before? You seemed to put down a lot of the local sights pretty well in the series.<< I live here now, actually. Until they raise my rent too much. Glad you liked Scene. I'm hoping we do another one next year. >>Anyways, I just had a few questions regarding Batman I was bugging Bob to let me write some of the Batman Adventures books,
and he asked me if I wanted to do the regular book, too. 2.) Any love interests for Bruce Wayne coming up? Yes, but not in our first six issues, but there will be a lot of possibitlies on his horizon, from what I hear. 3.) What did you think of the Batman movies? (be honest if you can) I liked parts of the first two, the 3rd and 4th sucked, and I would never sit through the early ones again, probably, because I doubt they aged well. The Xmen movie was better. But it was also more recent, it'll probably age badly, too. 4.) Will you be playing up on any old arcs? Jason Todd death etc, Knightfall Both are big parts of TURNING POINTS in November. I don't know how to sell you on Deadenders, man. If all the good reviews and buzz aren't doing it, I don't know what will. It's a character driven comic that has appeal on a lot of different levels. It's got intrigue, mystery, action, and love. What more could you want? Plus, if you like my writing, you should check it out. Oh, yeah... It appears to be a good comic to show prospective dates that aren't too aware of comics. So they'll see that all comics aren't superheroes, or sex fantasies. |
ScottAMcD Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:42 PM
Response to BD2002: The link you posted for your Batman Reviews site gives me a loading error which reads "error in initializing, cannot load the background image", and there are no visible links to any reviews. Is this happening to anyone else? Scott McDaniel |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:46 PM
Are you ever going to do anything with Shondra Kinsolving? << I don't know who that is. Forgive my ignorance. Where did she appear? >>4) Peter Gross wrote in BoM #73 that editors with red pencils occupy the outer circle of Hell. Fair assessment? I'd say so, but I have been lucky enought o avoid those kind of editors. None of mine change anything, they ask me to make any suggested changes myself. >>5) Should Batman be an urban legend or should his appearances in JLA etc. cause him not to be an urban legend? I'm conflicted on this. I like the mythical quality of Batman, but it doesn't work so well in the DCU with all its other superheroes. That's what 584 is all about. 6) Role of humor in Batman? I think there should be humor, as in the rest of life. I think mine have some really funny moments. The narrators of #584 are intended to be comical. 7) Underwear outside the tights or not outside the tights? Huh? No underwear at all. >>BTW, I've started a Batman Review website, and JYD and a couple of other posters have put their reviews of Batman comics up. If you and Scott are interested.<< Did anyone review our issue yet? |
LLance43 Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:48 PM
You may not know how to sell it, but you have definitely succeeded! I'll pick up some of the issues this Wednesday and let you know what I think! I don't think I'll show any of my dates though, my wife might get slightly upset! ![]() ----once over and still wants to know if you're really Edward "Eddie the Lowlife" Brubaker as seen in that wanted poster in "Legends of the Hawkman!"----------- ------------------ |
rpi Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:48 PM
What are your takes on the supporting cast? With the upcoming "Turning Points," you obviously value Gordon. However, I've always thought Alfred was the most important one of all, more so than any of the sidekicks or assorted allies. However, outside of Robin these days, not much is being done with him, which I think is a bit of a shame. Alfred is Batman's anchor. Bruce needs him to stay together. And they finally made an Alfred action figure! With a serving tray! Boo-yah! |
Darknite Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:50 PM
quote: I just got in without any problems. BTW, you have a cool website bluedevil2002. |
Tallant1 New Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:50 PM
Scott, Glad to have you here. Just a couple of questions, 1.) What do you think of the interpretation of Batman in Lary Hama's run? 2.) Which villains do you like to draw the best? Any poignant scenes that you'd like to draw? 3.) What do you reccomend as good beginning points for a person who wants to draw. Thanks for your input dude, I thought u had a kickass run on Nightwing Tallant1 |
Morrissey Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:52 PM
Ed, how do you feel about Batman's role in the larger DC Universe? Do you feel, as Denny seems to, that he should largely be in his own world rather than teaming up with the JLA or interacting with superman? I confess some of his logic eludes me...especially No Man's Land, where Superman couldn't rescue Gotham from devastation but Lex Luthor could. I mean, which of those two is supposed to be the GOOD guy and which the BAD guy?
------------------ "A dead body won't bruise; neither will a dead conscience." |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:55 PM
----once over and still wants to know if you're really Edward "Eddie the Lowlife" Brubaker as seen in that wanted poster in "Legends of the Hawkman"<< Yeah, I named a street after Michael in my someday upcoming Batman Elseworlds that Sean Phillips is drawing. And about your wife, if she reads comics, show her Deadenders. It's my best friend's wife's favorite comic. The TPB of the first four, plus a short story is out on Weds. It's only 9.95, so get it, man. >>What are your takes on the supporting cast? With the upcoming "Turning Points," you obviously value Gordon. However, I've always thought Alfred was the most important one of all, << I agree. If I had any complaint with Chuck, it's that he took Alfred
from us. I didn't get to write him once, that I recall. There will be a
lot of interesting supporting cast developments in the upcoming year, from
what I've heard, and been involved in. |
Fox Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:55 PM
Do you like the new "retro" costume even if he's wearing the underwear again? It took me a little while to get used to the dropping of the yellow symbol, but now I can't see him ever wearing it again. What are some upcoming projects that you can discuss? ------------------ |
Fox Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:57 PM
Scott: Any characters you would like to draw? |
rpi Member |
posted September 02, 2000 04:58 PM
Shondra was the therapist Bruce was seeing to fight his weariness before Knightfall. She used her healing powers to fix his back after Bane. She was the one he was searching for in Knightquest: The Search. I also have some questions about Catwoman, if possible. You say that you want to revamp the character, if I remember correctly. Can you be more specific. Staz will still be the penciler, correct? Will she stick with her purple cat costume? Will she develop a bit of a supporting cast? Also, for Scott, I just wanna know, do you prefer working on Batman or Nightwing...or Green Goblin? :-) |
DeForgeo Member |
posted September 02, 2000 05:00 PM
Thanks for the answers, Ed! Ooh, Scott's here! More stuff to ask! (To both Scott and Ed) 2) What type of music do you guys listen to? (Just curious) 3) What comics do you guys read? Any favorite creators you follow (again, just curious)? 4) When did it occur to you that you wanted to go into comics? And what did your parents think (mine think I'm insane)? |
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