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Author | Topic: Batman Chat with Ed Brubaker and Scott McDaniel - 9/2/2000! |
Brubaker Member/Batman writer |
posted September 01, 2000 10:48 AM
Okay, this is the thread where it will all start, so if you have any quetions and you won't be around tomorrow, post them here today and I'll try to get to them. On the cover question someone asked before, Scott usually does a few
tiny sketches and the editors and art directors pick one they like best.
Usually its the one Scott and I like best, too, sometimes not. |
DeNile Member |
posted September 01, 2000 11:08 AM
Okay, Ed here you go: 1)Will we see any of Batman's "regular" enemies in your issues( aside
from Penguin)? ------------------ |
Batfan Member |
posted September 01, 2000 11:14 AM
Denile, I think the point of this thread is to discuss Batman 582 in particular. |
DeNile Member |
posted September 01, 2000 11:35 AM
Oh. ![]() ![]() ![]() Can you answer those questions anyway? PLEASE!!!!!!!!! ------------------ |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 01, 2000 11:54 AM
That time again, for the chat, is noon to 2pm on Saturday. Pacific time, (which is 3pm to 5pm on the East Coast. 1)Will we see any of Batman's "regular" enemies in your issues( aside from Penguin)? Yes, a lot of them in one issue, actually. 2)What's the name of the "Goggles guy"? You'll find out next issue, if you read closely. I demand close reading on all my books. If you are confused by anything, I always suggest reading it again closer. A lot of people expressed confusion about the time changes in this issue, but they are all very clear, if you read closely. 3)Since you said December would wrap up your Penguin saga, what will your last issue in Jan. be about? I can't tell you because it's a huge Batman secret. I don't know, probably in a month or two? Maybe longer. |
DeNile Member |
posted September 01, 2000 12:22 PM
Thanks, Ed. ![]() ![]() Thanks again!! ------------------ |
LLance43 Member |
posted September 01, 2000 01:20 PM
You have a clear, distinctive writing style that I don't find confusing at all. I don't think a second read would hurt anyone though. There's going to be something you'll have to think about or something that went right over your head. Good. I like that which is easily readable but requires a little grey matter to completely comprehend! I enjoyed seeing quite a few of the Batman family in this story. They enhanced the storyline as much as they enhanced the Batman himself. Very well done! One quick non-related Batman question. I noticed the Edward "Eddie the Lowlife" Brubaker wanted poster on page 12 of Legends of the Hawkman 2. When you are finally jailed will you still continue to write such wonderful comic books? -----once over and twice twisted----------- ------------------ |
DeNile Member |
posted September 01, 2000 02:26 PM
Will we see any love interests for Bruce or Bats? ------------------ |
Haydee Member |
posted September 01, 2000 06:03 PM
Okay, I'll go ahead and ask my question, since I won't be here tomorrow, either. It's not specifically related to 582, but Bat-comics in general-- exactly who is in charge these days? I mean, who oversees/edits/has the final say/gets other authors together on all of the different Bat-books? I know it used to be Dennis O'Neil, but since he's retiring...? Anywhoo, thanks! It's really cool that you take the time to interact with "the fans." --Haydee ------------------ "BRING ME GIANTS!" --Cyrano de Bergerac "...Please let go of my cape." --Batman, TAS |
batcave_dweller Member |
posted September 01, 2000 07:51 PM
Hi Ed, I might be here tomorrow, but then again maybe not, so I'll ask my questions anyway... 1) Where you interested in Batman when you were a child, and did you cover anything you liked about Batman in your childhood or whenever in #582, or a later issue? 2)Someone asked about villains in later issues, I know Robin was in #582, will we see, Nightwing, Batgirl, or <gasp> Alfred? If you can answer these great, but I really would like to thank you for talking to us, alot of other great writers should get in on this inter-action too, so could you talk to Greg Rucka and ask him to answer a few questions on the boards if he has time? I'd really appriecate it. Thanks a bunch!!! ------------------ |
Junk Yard
Dawg Member |
posted September 02, 2000 12:36 AM
Are you still holding Alfred hostage? |
eddievedder New Member |
posted September 02, 2000 11:33 AM
Hey Brubaker, I really liked 582. Thought it was one of the best batbooks of the year. My questions are: 1)When will you know if you have the job as regular writer? 2)Can you give us any info as to how long the next crossover will be, months and issue wise, and what books it will run through? 3)Given free Reign over this book, or I should say, Given that you become writer of this book, what would your plans/plotlines include? 4)Are their any plans to include Bane and his newly acquired Island nation of santa prisca into a storyline? 5)Will you be writing catwoman next year? I can't remember if that's a rumor I heard or straight info. 6)Any work for Marvel in the future? Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Here's hoping you
get the ongoing spot! |
Forever One Member |
posted September 02, 2000 12:14 PM
Well, it's Saturday so I guess I'll officially get this started. I know I had mentioned earlier the villain similarity, but it is hard to please everyone. BUT, I think this issue has a little bit to offer everyone. There's a mixing of action and drama and Scott's art just makes it flow. It had a matrix like feel. Ed's storyline just seemed to enhance this feel even more. I loved the part where Batman was saying how he's been shot enough to know, the each time he felt he could pluck each bullet out of the sky. All in all, great issue. |
Kent, Daily Planet New Member |
posted September 02, 2000 01:08 PM
Hi Ed, I enjoyed your first issue a great deal and I'm hoping to see more of Robin. However, I have to ask you this. When will Vicki Vale return? I'd love to see some Batman stories done up close and personal from this photo-journalist's POV. Batman needs more women in his book. And if you do bring back Vale, please talk to Scott about making her look like Kim Basinger. Thanks! |
Viceroy-BATMAN Member |
posted September 02, 2000 01:48 PM
Yeah, I think Vicki is a great character and should look exactly like Kim Basinger when/if she returns to Gotham and I hope she will. Here's a small request to the audience, please wait until Brubaker answers some questions before dumping a truckload of your own questions on him. We don't want such a great Bat-writer to be overwhelmed do we? ------------------ Batman Interactive Message Boards now at http://welcome.to/batboard X-Men vs the Brotherhood Boards now at http://welcome.to/xmenboard |
smarkey New Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:09 PM
Hi, Ed What is your view of the role technology plays with Batman? Some prefer the basic "a man, a mask, his brain, and his fists" (with an occasional batarang.) Other go for the futuristic crime fighting gadgets. Where do you fall in this spectrum? Thanks for your time. SM |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:19 PM
exactly who is in charge these days? I mean, who oversees/edits/has the final say/gets other authors together on all of the different Bat-books? I know it used to be Dennis O'Neil, but since he's retiring...? It's split up right now, and I believe Denny is still in charge officially, but he's only in part time. My editors try to stay as much on top of things as they can. 1) Where you interested in Batman when you were a child, and did you cover anything you liked about Batman in your childhood or whenever in #582, or a later issue? I liked Batman growing up, but not any particular issues, really. The
things I choose to explore in Batman throughout any issues that I do, will
probably come more from my adult interests, actually. 2)Someone asked about villains in later issues, I know Robin was in #582, will we see, Nightwing, Batgirl, or <gasp> Alfred? They are all in my December issue, actually, and in the thing in January, too. 1)When will you know if you have the job as regular writer? I don't know. Probably fairly soon. 2)Can you give us any info as to how long the next crossover will be, months and issue wise, and what books it will run through? No. There's something in January, but it's just one month. I don't think there will be something like Superman is in the Batbooks in the future, or at least I hope not. 3)Given free Reign over this book, or I should say, Given that you become writer of this book, what would your plans/plotlines include? Hard to say. I would like to explore the Bruce Wayne side of things a bit more. I'm drawn to tragedy. 4)Are their any plans to include Bane and his newly acquired Island nation of santa prisca into a storyline? Not by me. 5)Will you be writing catwoman next year? I can't remember if that's a rumor I heard or straight info. Yes, I start in July, for a variety of reasons, there will be a four-issue arc by another writer, tying up loose ends and setting the stage for me. When I start, it's going to be a huge bang, a complete redefining of the character. 6)Any work for Marvel in the future? No, I'm signing exclusive with DC for a year. I am not holding Alfred hostage, by the way, though I would appreciate you all supporting my other books, Deadenders trade is oout next week, and Scene of the Crime, my mystery comic, drawn by Michael Lark and Sean Phillips continues to attract new readers in its trade paperback format. No plans for Vicki Vale. |
yerpalboneyard New Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:20 PM
Hi Ed, Congrats on snagging the coveted Batman writer slot. If your work on other books is any indication of what we are getting, it should be a good ride. A few questions for you. 1) Is it true you are going to be plotting but working with Brian Vaughn later in the year? Does this mean you are or are not sticking with the book?? Reading press releases with Bob Schreck sounded like you weren't. 2) Are you planning on using Robin (or Nightwing) more in your stories? Although the book is titled "Batman" I always find Batman more interesting working with the Boy Wonder. 3) I'm a BIG fan of the old-time "goofy" villians (Calendar Man, Cat-Man, Cavalier, Kite-Man, the Spook, etc.) Do you have any plans of bringing these characters back? Can you get editorial to change Charaxes (big bug guy) BACK into the Killer Moth? I'd appreciate it! (I'd be happy to provide any background information about these characters if you need research info! - contact me at Boneyard0@aol.com) 4) Was the character of the "Skeleton" (who showed up in "Gotham City Secret Files") your creation or Brian Vaughn's? Will we be seeing this villian in "Batman" anytime soon? 5) The best aspect of Larry Hama's run on Batman was the Bruce Wayne was given a spine. What are your thoughts on how Bruce is handled and what plans to you have in re-incorporating the character back into Batman? 6) Last question: Which is your favorite version of the Batmobile? Thanks! Look forward to your work in the months (and years?) to come! Scott Rogers |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:27 PM
1) Is it true you are going to be plotting but working with Brian Vaughn later in the year? Does this mean you are or are not sticking with the book?? Reading press releases with Bob Schreck sounded like you weren't. No, that isn't true. Brian is writing four issues that start in February. I have nothing to do with them. We were going to plot something together, but for a lot of reasons, it didn't happen. 2) Are you planning on using Robin (or Nightwing) more in your stories? Although the book is titled "Batman" I always find Batman more interesting working with the Boy Wonder. I like Robin on occasion. He's in three of my issues. 3) I'm a BIG fan of the old-time "goofy" villians (Calendar Man, Cat-Man, Cavalier, Kite-Man, the Spook, etc.) Do you have any plans of bringing these characters back? Can you get editorial to change Charaxes (big bug guy) BACK into the Killer Moth? I'd appreciate it! (I'd be happy to provide any background information about these characters if you need research info! - contact me at Boneyard0@aol.com) I'll see. I'm not sure about the tone of the goofy villians and my work. But I love the 50s era stuff. 4) Was the character of the "Skeleton" (who showed up in "Gotham City Secret Files") your creation or Brian Vaughn's? Will we be seeing this villian in "Batman" anytime soon? That was Brian's. I hope he gets used someday. We had plans, but they got altered. 5) The best aspect of Larry Hama's run on Batman was the Bruce Wayne was given a spine. What are your thoughts on how Bruce is handled and what plans to you have in re-incorporating the character back into Batman? I'm far more interested in Wayne than in Batman, so I hope to expose a lot of him, if I get the opportunity. 6) Last question: Which is your favorite version of the Batmobile? The Dick Sprang one.
LLance43 Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:32 PM
Batman's out of the League! How do you feel about that, Ed? Will we see a hopefully slow process where Batman once again earns the trust of the JLA? ------------------ |
rpi Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:34 PM
I am also a big Bruce Wayne fan. I don't think he gets anywhere near enough time as he should. Well, the real Bruce Wayne, not the playboy mask. Anyways, one of the concepts that has been touched on but never that explored is how childish the whole Batman set-up he has going is. I am fascinated by the costume, the big cars, the "I'll go hit someone and everyting will be OK" attitude that he sometimes displays. I also love the contradiction of the fact that he is one of the smartest men on the planet, yet reacted in such an immature, if very interesting, way. What is your take on this? If you get the chance to explore Bruce more, would you touch on this at all? |
Morrissey Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:36 PM
This is really an excellent idea, Ed! Who (besides yourself) were your favorite Batman writers and artists? And what were your top five, ten, or whatever favorite Batman stories?
------------------ "A dead body won't bruise; neither will a dead conscience." |
Brubaker Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:46 PM
Batman's out of the League! How do you feel about that, Ed? I like it. He's spread too thin as it is. Will we see a hopefully slow process where Batman once again earns the trust of the JLA? I assume something like that will happen, but it may be that he stay s out for years. I think Batman EGO explored a lot of what you're looking for in the childish behavior dept. I'd go more into it than I have, as it is, I think I referenced it a bit in the first issue. You have to allow that Batman exists and would wear a costume and fight crime going in on this, just like you have to allow that people murder people for a variety of reasons when reading a mystery novel. Its the accepted suspension of disbelief. My favorite Batman stories are just fragments in my memory. I like a story where it appears that Batman kills talia, and he becomes a fugitive, which was Aparo and Giordano, from the 100page issues when I was a kid. I like a story Giordano drew in 1980 where the Phantom Stranger takes Batman to another reality and allows him to save his parents. I recently did a different take on that story for a Batman Adventures fill-in. My favorite Batman story of recent memory is Year One. I love what Greg is doing with Detective right now. I read the last parts of No Man's Land and was surprised that it made sense, and I enjoyed some of it a lot. |
rpi Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:57 PM
How much input do you give to Scott in your stories? The man is fantasticly talented and I have no doubt that he could pull off art direction on his own with no problem. However, I know there are some writers who give very detailed descriptions of what they want. Where do you fall? By the by, is Scott going to be stoppig by today, do you know? |
Trickster Member |
posted September 02, 2000 03:57 PM
1) Who would you like to see write a Batman story? 2) You, Greg Rucka, and Brian Azzarello all created some great crime/noir-type stories about the same time last year, and now you all seem to gaining a following while racking up quite a few titles. Why do you think you all's type of writings are clicking with the fans, and why now? 3)Favorite comics of all-time? Best issue you've ever written? Favorite noir movies? ------------------ |
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All times are ET (US) |